Here’s how we helped to remove an excess of 1,500m3 of wet sludge volume from an NZ municipal wastewater oxidation pond, within six months, using Parklink’s Advanced Microbial Digestion (AMD) system.
Regular application of biological stimulants and bacterial cultures produced a great outcome for this client:
* No resource consent required
* No material sent to landfill
* Pond was able to stay online with no detriment to performance
Parklink’s Advanced Microbial Digestion (AMD) system is environmentally friendly and cost effective, with a comprehensive sludge survey before and after to quantify results.
If you’re going to be at the Water New Zealand conference & expo this month, then we look forward to seeing you there; stop by our stand (#20) and say hi, and discover how Parklink can help with wastewater sludge removal and dewatering.