Algae Control
Spirogyra, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Pithophora, Chlamydomonas, Chlorella, Euglena, Closterium, Anacystis
Filamentous Algae
Filamentous algae are single algae cells that form long visible chains, threads, or filaments. These filaments intertwine forming a mat that resembles wet wool. Filamentous algae starts growing along the bottom in shallow water or attached to structures in the water (like rocks or other aquatic plants). Oftentimes the algae will become detached from what it was growing on and float along the surface of the water like a rug. Learn more about filamentous algae control and blanket weed solutions.
Planktonic Algae
Planktonic algae are floating microscope plants that are normal and essential inhabitants of sunlit surface waters. There are literally millions of floating planktonic algae and these colour pond water in shades of green, blue-green, brown or variations in between. Planktonic algae that colour the water is often called a bloom or algae bloom. Many species of algae are involved in algae blooms and these species change over time based on temperature, light, nutrients, and other factors.
How can you identify it?
Often filamentous algae floats to the surface forming large green mats, which are commonly referred to as pond scums. There are many species of filamentous algae and often more than one species will be present at the same time in the pond.
Planktonic algae may at first appear as if your pond water is changing color. As this green or blue-green algae blooms more it can cause your pond to look like pea soup or paint. It will also cling to things, such as your shoreline, and leave traces of scum on rocks and other objects in the water. Some forms of Planktonic algae are toxic and can only be identified with the proper equipment.
Every pond is different, learn what works best for your water.
Check your pond
Did you know?
Filamentous algae can spread within days and cause severe damage.
Industry leading solutions
for good water quality
The powerful oxidation of REGEN-Algaemaster® spot-treatment breaks down algae cells on contact – you can see it working! Its unique organic chemistry immediately begins fighting algae blooms and releasing vital oxygen into the water as it biodegrades. It can be used as a curative or preventative treatment in any water body, including those that contain fish, plants, and other aquatic life. Formulated without using harsh chemicals, you can be sure there won’t be any negative effects on the aquatic ecosystem.
REGEN-Algaemaster® Algaecide is effective and offers immediate results when eliminating algae. With an environmentally sound chemistry that is chlorine, copper, and phosphate-free you can confidently use Parklink’s Granular Algaecide in water features without circulation systems. For best results, apply in the morning hours of a calm sunny day when water temperatures are warm. Sunlight and higher temperatures will enhance REGEN-Algaemaster® Algaecide activity.

Where, when and how to use
REGEN-Algaemaster® Granular Algaecide can be used with confidence in lakes, ponds, ornamental ponds, fountains, irrigation ponds, farm dams and other water features.
It is recommended to use this product at the first sign of algae growth. For best results, apply in the morning hours when the water is warm; sunlight and higher water temperatures accelerate REGEN-Algaemaster® Granular’s activity.
Check the water’s pH levels before application; the pH should be between 6.8-7.8. Turn off any water circulation for 10-20 minutes when applying. Administer to affected areas and skim dead algae from the water’s surface to prevent future growth.
Why REGEN-Algaemaster®?
REGEN-Algaemaster® Granular Algaecide uses its unique and powerful chemistry to control algae blooms. Through the power of oxidation, its effects can be seen after a few minutes. Formulated without the use of harsh chemicals, REGEN-Algaemaster® Granular Algaecide leaves no chemical residual and benefits the aquatic ecosystem by releasing vital oxygen into the water as it biodegrades.
Step 1: Check pH levels before applying. REGEN-Algaemaster® Granular can raise pH levels up to 1 unit.
Step 2: Apply early in the morning
Step 3: Turn off all water movement.
Step 4: Apply REGEN-Algaemaster® Granular to affected areas –pay special attention to areas of dense algae.
Step 5: Turn water movement back on after 45 minutes.
Step 6: Refer to label for dose rates and detailed instructions/recommendations.
MAXIMUM Dosage Rate by Volume
Volume | 1m³ | 10m³ | 100m³ | 1000m³ |
Dosage | 1 - 30g | 10 - 300g | 0.1 - 3kg | 1 - 30kg |
REGEN-Algaemaster® SDS
REGEN-Alguard® is a commercial-grade liquid chelated copper-based algaecide, used for the safe, rapid and effective control of a broad spectrum of filamentous and planktonic algae. REGEN-Alguard® is up to 80% less copper than current (copper-based) algaecides and is widely used to control algae in lakes, irrigation dams, decorative ponds and more. REGEN-Alguard® will not harm fish, livestock, plants, pastures or turf (when used in accordance with label instructions).
REGEN-Alguard® works by weakening cyanobacteria and algae cells. Copper ions stop photosynthesis causing the cells to die and dissolve into the water. There is minimal harm to organisms in the water. Residual toxins are rapidly biodegraded. REGEN-Alguard® rapidly disperses throughout the water body without settling to the bottom or floating on top like other copper-based algaecides.

How to Use
Apply in a manner that will ensure even product distribution within the treatment area. Retreat areas if regrowth begins to appear or if seasonal control is desired. Repeating application of this product too soon after initial application may have no effect. Treatment of aquatic weeds and algae can result in oxygen loss from the decomposition of dead biomass. This oxygen loss can cause fish and invertebrate suffocation. To minimize this hazard, do not treat more than ½ of the water body and wait at least 14 days between treatments to avoid depletion of oxygen. Begin treatment along the shore and proceed outwards in bands to allow fish to move into untreated areas. Application of algaecides to high-density blooms of cyanobacteria can result in the release of intracellular contents into the water. Some of these intracellular compounds are known mammalian hepato- and nervous system toxins. Therefore, to minimize the risk of toxin leakage, manage cyanobacteria effectively in order to avoid applying this product when blooms of toxin-producing cyanobacteria are present at high density. Certain water conditions including low pH (≤6.5), low dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels (3.0 mg/L or lower) and “soft” waters (i.e. alkalinity less than 50 mg/L) increases the potential acute toxicity to non-target aquatic organisms. The application rates on the label are appropriate for water with pH values > 6.5, DOC levels >3.0 mg/L, and alkalinity greater than 50 mg/L. Avoid treating waters with pH values <6.5, DOC levels <3.0 and alkalinity less than 50ppm (e.g., soft or acid water), as koi, trout and other sensitive species of fish may be killed under such conditions.
MAXIMUM Dosage Rate by Volume
Volume | 10m³ | 100m³ | 1,000m³ |
Dosage | 20 - 90 mL | 0.2 - 0.9 L | 1.8 - 9.2 L |
REGEN-Alguard Plus
REGEN-Alguard Plus
REGEN-Alguard Plus® contains dual biocidal activity for instantaneous and prolonged control of algae.
REGEN-Alguard Plus® is a commercial-grade liquid chelated copper-based algaecide, used for the safe, rapid and effective control of a broad spectrum of filamentous and planktonic algae. REGEN-Alguard® is up to 80% less copper than current (copper-based) algaecides and is widely used to control algae in lakes, irrigation dams, decorative ponds and more. REGEN-Alguard® will not harm fish, livestock, plants, pastures or turf (when used in accordance with label instructions).
REGEN-Alguard® works by weakening cyanobacteria and algae cells. Copper ions stop photosynthesis causing the cells to die and dissolve into the water. There is minimal harm to organisms in the water. Residual toxins are rapidly biodegraded. REGEN-Alguard® rapidly disperses throughout the water body without settling to the bottom or floating on top like other copper-based algaecides.

How to Use
Apply in a manner that will ensure even product distribution within the treatment area. Retreat areas if regrowth begins to appear or if seasonal control is desired. Repeating application of this product too soon after initial application may have no effect. Treatment of aquatic weeds and algae can result in oxygen loss from the decomposition of dead biomass. This oxygen loss can cause fish and invertebrate suffocation. To minimize this hazard, do not treat more than ½ of the water body and wait at least 14 days between treatments to avoid depletion of oxygen. Begin treatment along the shore and proceed outwards in bands to allow fish to move into untreated areas. Application of algaecides to high-density blooms of cyanobacteria can result in the release of intracellular contents into the water. Some of these intracellular compounds are known mammalian hepato- and nervous system toxins. Therefore, to minimize the risk of toxin leakage, manage cyanobacteria effectively in order to avoid applying this product when blooms of toxin-producing cyanobacteria are present at high density. Certain water conditions including low pH (≤6.5), low dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels (3.0 mg/L or lower) and “soft” waters (i.e. alkalinity less than 50 mg/L) increases the potential acute toxicity to non-target aquatic organisms. The application rates on the label are appropriate for water with pH values > 6.5, DOC levels >3.0 mg/L, and alkalinity greater than 50 mg/L. Avoid treating waters with pH values <6.5, DOC levels <3.0 and alkalinity less than 50ppm (e.g., soft or acid water), as koi, trout and other sensitive species of fish may be killed under such conditions.
MAXIMUM Dosage Rate by Volume
Volume | 10m³ | 100m³ | 1,000m³ |
Dosage | 20 - 90 mL | 0.2 - 0.9 L | 1.8 - 9.2 L |
Advance Sludge Removing Probiotic
REGEN-Sediment® is a next-generation probiotic tablet for restoration and maintenance of impaired water resources. This advanced probiotic combines scientific research with novel bioengineering, resulting in a product that treats the entire water body by starting at the bottom. REGEN-Sediment® tablets saturate the sediment layer with rare earth stimulants and a broad spectrum of natural bacterial cultures. This establishes a healthy microbiota at the water-to-sediment interface that accelerates the digestion of organic matter.

The Science Behind It
Backed by years of intensive study. REGEN-Sediment® have been proven to reduce organic matter and key nutrients in muck through a study using a lab setup that more closely mimics real-life water bodies than any previous study. Read the full study or learn more about the details below.
Laboratory Evaluation in Freshwater Replica Tanks
- Complete metagenomic DNA analysis of sediment microbiota using the Illumina NovaSeq6000
- Sediment volume and quantitative analysis of control and test tanks
- Full sediment nutrient and water quality assessment
- Testing tanks designed to mimic real water conditions, such as natural water movement and clay/sand layer

Common Uses
- Lakes and ponds
- Aquaculture
- Shorelines
- Golf courses
- Retention ponds
- Decorative Ponds
- And more!
- Removes buildup of organic matter.
- Improves water quality and clarity
- Restores balance to water bodies
- Reduces internal nutrient load
Available sizes
- 13.6 Kgs
Ingredients | Bio-vitamins, probiotics, and select bacterial cultures |
Description | Dry brown tablet |
Odor | Earthy odor |
Stability – Activity loss | <1% Loss in 6 months when stored as directed: at 24°C in a sealed container with low humidity. |
Storage and Handling | Store in a cool, dry space between 10 - 27°C. |
Once per month or as needed.
*Do not mix directly with algaecides or herbicides.
**If used in conjunction with algaecide or herbicide, apply after chemical treatment for best results.
Surface Area (m²) | Targeted Muck Reduction | Muck Maintenance & Prevention | Degradation of Floating Debris |
1,000 | 2.3 – 5.7 kg | 1.1 – 2.8 kg | 0.57 – 1.7 kg |
2,000 | 4.5 – 11.3 kg | 2.3 – 5.7 kg | 1.1 – 3.4 kg |
4,000 | 9 – 23 kg | 4.5 – 11.3 kg | 2.3 – 6.8 kg |
20,000 | 45 – 113 kg | 9 – 57 kg | 9 – 34 kg |
40,000 | 91 – 227 kg | 45 – 113 kg | 23 – 68 kg |
400,000 | 907 – 2270 kg | 454 – 1130 kg | 227 – 680 kg |
Include in Treatment Programs for
- Filamentous Algae
- Planktonic Algae
- Cyanobacteria
- Muck & Sludge
- Water Clarity
- Nutrient Reduction
- Aquatic Plants
- Submerged Plants
- Unique Issues
Promotes balanced ecosystem after chemical treatment
REGEN-Balance® is a Temperature Driven Solution that excels between 14°C-26°C. This dry probiotic formula is enhanced with psychrophilic, neutrophilic, and mesophilic microorganisms and select stimulants to ensure optimal performance. REGEN-Balance® will quickly cycle out excess nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in aquatic environments. Made for aquatic professionals, it promotes a balanced aquatic ecosystem and rapid recovery from both adverse environmental impacts and chemical treatments.
REGEN-Balance® excels when used alone and can be applied as a dry powder or dissolved and sprayed over the surface of the water. For an extra boost, use REGEN-Balance® in combination with REGEN-Enhancer®

The Science Behind It
Water bodies have stress from both external and internal sources. Excessive rains or draught combined with the ongoing use of algaecides and herbicides deplete the microbial communities that are fundamental to nutrient removal in water bodies. This imbalance in the ecosystem leads to elevated nutrient issues and can result in excessive aquatic plant growth, continuing algal blooms, and HAB’s (Harmful Algal Blooms).
REGEN-Balance® was formulated through years of research by obtaining samples from lakes and ponds across the Globe when water temperatures were mild. The natural microbial communities in the samples were analyzed to understand population densities and the specific organisms that are depleted by stresses. This research is how Parklink was able to create a probiotic that supplements natural populations and supports indigenous organisms that are functional and native to that geography. REGEN-Balance® is more than simple additions of beneficial bacteria. It is a scientifically formulated probiotic that works in harmony with the microbial communities that play key roles in nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. Real science. Real Results.
Common Uses
- Lakes and ponds
- Aquaculture
- Hatcheries
- Water features
- Golf courses
- Retention ponds
- Decorative Ponds
- And more!
- Consumes nutrients
- Balances Ponds
- Lowers ammonia
- Clarifies water
- Reduces sludge
Available Sizes
- 13.6 kg pail
Ingredients | Micronutrients and select bacterial cultures |
Description | Dry tan powder |
Odor | Earthy odor |
pH | 7.0 |
Stability – Activity loss | At 24°C for 12 months*: 10% or less; At 38°C for 6 months*: 10% or less; *When stored as directed in a sealed container out of direct sunlight. |
Storage and Handling | Store in a cool, dry space between 10 - 27°C. Keep out of direct sunlight and do not store with strong oxidizing agents. |
Once per month or as needed.
*Do not mix directly with algaecides or herbicides.
**If used in conjunction with algaecide or herbicide, apply after chemical treatment for best results.
Surface Area (m²) | Initial Application | Standard Application | Hypereutrophic Water |
1,000 | 900 g | 450 - 900 g | 1.4 kg |
2,000 | 1.4 kg | 0.5 - 1.4 kg | 2.7 kg |
4,000 | 2.7 kg | 1 - 2.7 kg | 5.4 kg |
20,000 | 14 kg | 4.6 - 14 kg | 27 kg |
40,000 | 27 kg | 9 -27 kg | 54 kg |
400,000 | 270 kg | 90 - 270 kg | 540 kg |
Included in treatment programs for:
- Filamentous Algae
- Planktonic Algae
- Cyanobacteria
- Muck & Sludge
- Water Clarity
- Nutrient Reduction
- Aquatic Plants
- Submerged Plants
- Unique Issues
REGEN-Floc® is a complete water quality and clarity restoration tool. This advanced probiotic and flocculant combine scientific research in bioengineering, phosphorus binding, and coagulation/flocculation resulting in a product that will improve all aspects of water quality. REGEN-Floc® provides a natural way to stop lake eutrophication and restore your lake to a more pristine state.

Science Behind It
Eutrophication is when a lake receives excess nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) from the watershed and from deposited sediments, called internal nutrient loading. These excess nutrients lead to poor water clarity, algae blooms, low oxygen levels and an imbalanced ecosystem. Nutrients need to be maintained in lower amounts with good water clarity to promote a naturally balanced ecosystem where aquatic life thrives.
REGEN-Floc® completely reverses eutrophication by removing excess nutrients and turbidity. This one-of-a-kind proprietary formula of select bacterial cultures, flocculant, and phosphorus binders works in synergy to provide a complete restoration solution that permanently binds phosphorus in water and sediments, reduces nitrogen, and removes unwanted turbidity.
Description and Benefits
– Breaks down organics and binds phosphorus in the water column
– Improves water quality and clarity within hours
– Eliminates internal phosphorus re-cycling from the sediment
– Safe and easy liquid formulation with no irrigation restrictions
– Does not impact water pH or alkalinity
– Maintains desired turbidity, TSS, and Secchi
MAXIMUM Dosage Rate by Volume
Metafloc Dosage – For water column nutrient & clarity | ||
Mildly Eutrophic (30 – 50 µg/L Phosphorus 1.2 - 0.9 m. Secchi) | Eutrophic (50 – 100 µg/L Phosphorus 0.9 - 0.6 m. Secchi) | Eutrophic (50 – 100 µg/L Phosphorus < 0.6 m. Secchi) |
0.6 - 1.8 mL / m3 | 1.8 - 2.5 mL / m3 | > 3.6 mL / m3 |
For Sediment Nutrient Removal | ||
Mildly Eutrophic (250 mg/kg sediment P) | Eutrophic (550 mg/kg sediment P) | Eutrophic (750 mg/kg sediment P) |
190 L per acre | 380 L per acre | 532 L per acre |